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August Feature Martine B.

Tutoring, being a sponsor, and volunteering, Martine Bibanga a Miami native, dedicated her time to being a teacher and servicing children in need on the elementary level. Being an educator for many years, she found herself in a box and she felt unfulfilled in the career she was in.

“I wanted to break free from where I was, and so I did just that”!

Join me as we take a deeper look into how Martine’s journey to her purpose in life began.

Style-Ography: So Martine, now that you’ve left teaching in the school system, what do you do currently?

Martine: Well, as long as I could remember I’ve always had a passion for anything fashion and designs. Despite the fears that I encountered once I left my job, I knew that I had to pursue my passion by stepping out on faith and doing what truly made me happy. Now, I am the Founder and owner of Blessed and Chic LLC which is a fashion and lifestyle blog. I am also the CEO of Blessed and Trè Chic Image Curating and Consulting Company. In this field I get to teach people to fashion themselves from the inside out.

Style-Ography: Wow! Well that is amazing. It seems that you still get to work in the teaching field, but now you’re connected on a deeper level and also to what you feel is your passion and as we say here at Style-Ography, your purpose.

Martine: Yes! I am a true believer that how you carry yourself and style yourself is a reflection of what’s going on internally. My hope is to help people find their own sense of fashion by dealing with the inside as we navigate our way to the outside with style.

Style-Ography: What led you to that aha moment of realizing that there was something greater in you to share with others, and that you needed to pursue your purpose?

Martine: Well, I always knew that teaching wasn’t my stopping point. I always had the feeling that I should be doing something greater. Going through life, I’ve been blessed to meet so many people who recognized my talents and gifts before I even knew what it was exactly. So God was always surrounding me around my passion. The thing that really solidified me to take the steps towards my purpose, was a conversation that I had with a longtime friend. It was several years since I’ve seen my friend, and in our conversation she was surprised to know that I was a teacher. She stated that she always thought I would be doing something in fashion or design for a huge company lol. It was in that moment that I realized I needed to stop dodging what was truly in my heart and pursue what God was calling me to do.

Style-Ography: What advice would you give to a group of young teen girls who’s pursuing a dream or their purpose?

Martine: Our beautiful girls are living in a different society and world. Everything seems to be a little harder for them. However, I am hopeful that they can and will rise above it all. My words of advice for you are these 3 things:

  1. Do not succumb to peer pressure of trying to follow the crowd. Be yourself and be an individual that stands out for good reasons. Follow your dreams, you have gifts and talents that the world needs to see and benefit from so never ever hide it!

  2. Always remember you are beautiful just as God created you. You don’t have to act, look, or imitate anyone to feel accepted, wanted, or popular. You were created in love and you are unique in your own right. There’s no one on this planet like you. You are a treasure, always remember that!

  3. In pursuing your goals and dreams, remember to be careful of what you post on your social media outlets. Everything you put out there can either be a good or bad reflection of who you are. You are what you post!

Style-Ography: Is there anything else that you would love to share with our audience or people out there who’s learning to walk in purpose?

Martine: In pursuing my own walk in purpose, I had to learn that when you’re walking in purpose you WILL experience disappointments, frustrations, and setbacks. It’s part of the journey but it’s there to make you stronger. You have to work hard and continue to fight for your dreams no matter how hard life gets. Nothing is impossible! Once you accomplish what you’ve been working for and you began to see results, you will see that it was all worth fight. Just make sure you never give up!

We would like to thank Martine for allowing Style-Ography to shine our spotlight on her and the amazing things that she is doing. Make sure to check out and subscribe to her website and follow her on Instagram as well.

Martine’s website:

IG: @blessedandchic

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