Our January Spotlight Feature
Let's take a look at our January spotlight Courtney Bledsoe It's such a pleasure to be able to hear Courtney's journey to her purpose. There are always times that we travel through life and get distracted from the things that we were called to do. Courtney's journey shows us exactly how to not give up when trials may come. Check our her journey below.
Style-Ography: Tell us a little about your history and purpose in life. What do you do?
Courtney: Hi guys, I am a Detroit native who loves making people feel good through laughter. I am a comedian! I’ve always been considered to be funny from such a young age and I’ve carried that into my adult life as well. During my life’s journey, I discovered my true purpose and that my job was to make people smile and laugh through my jokes.
Style-Ography: Briefly describe your journey to getting connected to your life’s purpose.
Courtney: In my years of being funny and making people laugh, I never knew the power that I had by taking someone out someone out of their reality and placing them into mine. It wasn't until I graduated from college (FAMU) with a degree in Journalism that took me to navigate life on my own and really began to understand the importance of knowing my purpose in life, why I was created and what I was created to do. Taking heed to this realization, it led me to New York City after graduating.
When I moved to NY it was so exciting! I expected to be like "Carrie" from Sex and the City. I pictured myself in a one-bedroom apartment in Manhattan, shopping daily, eating at the crème de la crème of restaurants, hanging with socialites and working for a major publication company. At the end of the day, that was not my life. In reality, I had an internship at Deutsch Ad Agency with the expectation of having a job at the end of it but they didn't hire me, and I ended up crying in the interview. Yep crying. In that moment I realized that that was my reality. The pressures of real life were getting to me. The reality that my mother couldn't save me were sinking in and I was an adult that had to figure it out. Remember that when trying to figure it out there will be tears and frustration but that's ok. I was living in Brooklyn and unemployed for what seemed like an eternity when I'd gotten a call saying that I was cleared to work with kids at the Harlem Children's Zone. I was employed, able to pay my bills and get on my feet but I found myself in this routine of waking up, going to work, coming home and doing it all over again. A year and a half later I was fired from that job, and I had $850 rent that needed to be paid on top of other bills too. From there I worked many other jobs, I even worked in the basement of a cafe as a salad maker. I mean, I'm a college educated woman but I'm making $13 an hour at a café. It wasn’t until that moment that I realize that your dreams will take you places you never imagined both good and bad.
Going through the struggles of getting a job, losing a job, making minimum wage of $13.00 an hour as a college graduate, I ended up having issues with my landlord, and I found myself homeless at work, without a place to lay my head. I called friends to see if they knew of any apartments or rooms available but no one did, until I sent a group text to some old coworkers. One of my old co-workers that I was really good friends with called me and extended her place to me to help me get back on my feet. I was grateful. One day while sitting at home I watched a clip of Jerry Seinfeld discussing his journey into comedy when it dawned on me that comedy was what I wanted to do. I began writing and found an open mic in the city to perform at. I was nervous, but I knew that fear wasn't an option. I stepped on stage with friends in the audience and killed my set. It was in that moment that I realized that my purpose was to make people laugh through standup comedy. I realized that I could take all of my pain, all of my struggles and find the silver lining. MyLifeIsAJokeTV isn’t just a brand, it’s my life, it's what I've been through. It's me taking my realities and using it as an instruments to make other people's realities better. It’s one of the best feelings ever.
Style-Ography: What advice would you give to a group of young teen girls who’s pursuing a dream or their purpose?
Courtney: I would tell young girls to chase their dreams vigorously because life will happen, disappointments will come and people will fall short of your expectations. If you stay focused, consistent and determined your dreams will manifest themselves. You have to be hungry, you have to want "it" as much as you need to take your next breath. Your dreams are attainable regardless of how big they are as long as you apply yourself. Don’t get caught up in society's expectations, create your own and most of all be you and do what makes you happy. Compete with yourself not others because comparison is the thief of joy. Lastly, live your life to the fullest, you only get one life so make your own rules on your journey to purpose and stick with them.
Style-Ography: Is there anything important that you would like to share with us and for us to share with our audience?
Courtney: Anyone can follow me for upcoming shows if you are in the NY area, or even to just take a glimpse at my journey. Everything is located on my site listed below.
Check me out at: www.mylifeisajoketv.com or follow me via Instagram @MylifeIsAJokeTv