Our April Feature Debra Elonne
We are proud to introduce a true natural hair product junkie, the creator of "Talk Curly to Me"..... Debra Elonne.
Style-Ography: Tell us a little about yourself, your history and purpose in life. What do you do?
Debra: My name is Debra, I was born in Miami Florida, I am the creator of “Talk Curly to me”, and I am a natural hair product junkie! Don’t judge me, I went natural in 2011. I’ve been in the game for a little minute now. Since I’m always sharing mostly unsolicited advice, tips, and natural hair styles with my circle of curly girls, I decided to start blogging because talking curly is what I do. I have my own natural hair lifestyle blog and YouTube channel where I share my natural experiences with everyday women.
Style-Ography: Briefly describe your journey to getting connected to your life’s purpose.
Debra: I went natural for two reasons. I initially started going natural because I was over the creamy crack. I couldn't do the burns and the steam from my scalp when the neutralizer was applied to it. It was just too much. Another reason I went natural was because it was a way for me to start over. I was in a rough place where I was trying to define who I was as a woman. At the time, I was trying to be someone I wasn't while balancing this image of who people thought I was.
I have this tendency of doing drastic things when life throws me a curve ball. It's just what I do; so, it came as no surprise to me when I cut my hair. Did I shock the rest of the world? Absolutely! I got the mean stares from people., I heard the whispers of, "Why would she do that?" I had men overlook me because I had a boy cut. However, cutting my hair was the best thing that ever happened to me. Since my big chop, I've been able to share my natural hair journey with other women. I have helped young girls embrace their curls and love themselves. I've had women from all walks of life tell me how rocking my hair has helped increase their confidence. Being natural has given me permission to be more transparent. I can walk out of the door with my head held high and proclaim to the world that this is me. Take it or leave it! I love the way God made me, hair or no hair.
Style-Ography: What advice would you give to a group of young teen girls who’s pursuing a dream or their purpose?
Debra: If I could give young teen girls advice I would tell them that broken crayons still color. Everyone goes through different experiences in life but that doesn't mean we don't have a purpose. Always love who God created you to be. You must keep drawing on this canvas we call life, don't give up, link up with the right crayons, and create a masterpiece with the colors you were given. God has a divine purpose for you. He will take your broken pieces and mend them together to create something greater than you could think or imagine. Have faith and never stop coloring.
Style-Ography: What beauty advice can you share with our audience about their hair and any other beauty topic?
Debra: The number one thing I tell people is to drink water. Keeping your body hydrated is the key to long, beautiful, and healthy hair. Growing natural hair takes time and patience, but it also requires drinking a lot of water. Water adds moisture to your curls. It also creates elasticity in your curls. Don't be afraid to pop those bottles. Dasani. Smart Water...Fiji... Stay thirsty my friends.
Style-Ography: Is there anything important that you would like to share with us and for us to share with our audience?
Debra: I'm currently seeking natural hair women here in South Florida to do a photo-shoot with. I want to celebrate naturals in Miami as a part of my 30th birthday celebration. I will be posting a casting for women on my blog and Instagram. I'm looking for all ages, shapes, and cultures. You do not have to be a model. The shoot will take place in early May, if you would like to be a part of it please contact me at talkcurlytome@gmail.com.
You can follow Debra on her social handles below:
Website: www.talkcurlytome.com
Instagram: talkcurlytome
Twitter: talkcurlytome
YouTube: www.youtube.com/talkcurlytome