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Our June Feature Neka Longhorne

Let's take a look at our June feature, Neka Langhorne.

Living a life of purpose to better know thyself, only to help others reach awareness, self-fulfillment and greatness.

We introduce to you Neka Langhorne

Style-Ography: Tell us a little about your history and purpose in life. What do you do?

My history is one of fluidity. My journey began in Florida, for as much as I know. My father was in the military, and we moved around a lot.

I was born to parents who were dreamers, and as a result we moved to a new home every year, in pursuit of one dream or another, until I was 11. After high school, I moved to Ohio for college, but I withdrew after one year, and married the love of my life. I bore two children, and 5 years ago, we moved to New York to pursue higher education together at Columbia University.

I studied human evolutionary biology, and I was utterly fascinated with human biological diversity. I loved to study how we, as humans, are different, but then, not so different. I explored how social constructs, such as race, are vastly different from biological theory. I was fortunate to see what I perceive as strengths and weaknesses in biological and sociological beliefs about human variation. I developed my own opinion of human existence.

Through my studies, I learned to analyze and appreciate human differences both socially and biologically. I decided that I wanted to devote my waking hours to educating the public on how to educate themselves.

Style-Ography: Briefly describe your journey to getting connected to your life’s purpose.

Having lived in different places throughout my life, being drawn to human biology, and having studied biological and sociocultural variation, I learned to appreciate people for who they are. I learned much of what makes us human, what makes us individuals, and that many people do not understand any of this.

I am also the embodiment of the non-traditional: I lived in so many places that I do not have a home that is more grounded in one place than another. I can live and exist anywhere. I am a spiritual woman who studies and appreciates evolution. I am a woman who never fit neatly into one culture or another. I am an ivy league graduate who attended college later in my life than most. I am conservative and liberal at the same time, and have both views on many issues. I would rather figure things out on my own before receiving guidance from any outside source. I am an extroverted introvert. The list goes on and on. Nothing makes me happier than to help people find their own path in life.

We have a world-wide web with endless information that is at every fingertip, we must know where and how to access and digest it. Instead of being told what is important, and how to make our decisions, I empower people to learn... above all, LEARN. Learn about the world, learn about your history, learn about other people’s history. Learn about existing theories about everything. First and foremost, we must learn about ourselves. No one knows us better than ourselves, I want every person to know and embrace that fact.

Style-Ography: What advice would you give to a group of young teen girls who’s pursuing a dream or their purpose?

  • Stick with it, no matter what. You may have heard it before, I know that I did, but it's the truest statement there is. Regardless of what everyone else thinks, do it. Regardless of how impossible it seems, do it. Regardless of how outlandish you may feel, do it.

  • Embrace change. Embrace growth. You cannot learn if you are not willing to embrace something different. Even the most detailed plans require revision over time. Do not be afraid to adjust where necessary.

Style-Ography: How has having a company given you a platform to pursue purpose?

I found that my performance glows when I am fighting for a cause that I believe in, and in the way that is most suitable for me. I also enjoy building something entirely new, and watching it grow into a sustainable entity. That is why I decided to start a business. A business is like a child, that one cannot help but be proud of; even in times of despair or hardship. Entrepreneurship gives me space to be myself, and make my own decisions. Only then can I be confident that my mission, and not others, is being fulfilled.

Style-Ography: Are you where you want to be or do you see more in your future?

I am happy with where I am, because each day is a stepping stone to something larger. Professionally, my overall goals are vast and timeless. Only when I am old and weary will I stop dreaming and goal setting.

In the near future, however, my goal is to grow Alleau, Inc. into a household independence and DIY empowering personal care company, that educates the world about their personal biology, and discusses the truth of their identity in our complex sociocultural world. Due to my background, of course, I think it is so important to identify one’s biological and cultural place in this world.

I am promoting many aspects of personal identity. I am detailing a fitness diary and program, that helped me to get fit years ago. I am also planning to conduct workshops throughout the U.S. for natural hair wearers who need more information and assistance with styling and maintaining their natural hair. Stay tuned, I am working on many more projects.

Style-Ography: Your hair care, Madison is amazing and created with love and quality products. What advice would you give to young girls about maintaining their hair?

You must have a routine. Approach your hair maintenance, and overall personal care, just as you would with your health. You should set a schedule and commit to it every day, no matter what. You know the saying: “if you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” Well, it's very true.

Also, don't be discouraged by rough, or bad hair, days. Anything that is natural fluctuates. Be confident in your decision.

Style-Ography: Is there anything important that you would like to share with us and for us to share with our audience?

Engage in the conversation and empower the world! We have many products in development, but our products are only one part of our company. We want to educate and empower the public to take control of their bodies and minds.

If you would like to know more about us, please visit our website at Our blog is full of discussion, and insight. Also, visit us on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.

My blogging name is “So Neka,” and because this has been an engaging discussion that I value and am honored to participate in, I will end with my blogging sign off...

‘Til next time. So Neka… So Me!

We are so grateful to be able to share Shaneka’s journey with you. Please support her and the amazing things she’s doing buy following her brand on the social links below.


IG: alleau_neauty

Twitter: alleauinc

Facebook: alleauinc

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